Ukulele Funday- Zoom Workshops and a Concert
April 12th Ukulele Funday- 2 Workshops and a Concert!
Join us on Saturday, April 12th for 2 online ukulele workshops taught by Aaron Keim and a short concert by Aaron and Nicole Keim (The Quiet American).
Click here to register: https://www.quietamericanmusic.com/storestore/april-12th-ukulele-funday
This event is sponsored by the Twin Cities Ukulele Club. Thank you Tony Anthonisen!
On Zoom for anyone, and for those in the Twin Cities, there will be a gathering at the Kenwood Community Center.
The event is from 12:30pm-3:30pm CST
(10:30am - 1:30pm PST)
(11:30am - 2:30pm MST)
(1:30pm - 4:30pm EST)
WORKSHOP INFO- taught by Aaron
Tablature and Left Hand Techniques
Tablature is a great way to learn music quickly and develop your skills. We will start with basic tab reading before we move on to some new left hand techniques: hammer ons, pull offs and slides. We will work on incorporating these ideas into your music as well as in our tune, “Henry’s Boogie.”
Fingerstyle Ukulele
Arrangements using fingerstyle techniques can make the ukulele sound like a whole "orchestra," with melody and accompaniment played at the same time! Students can expect to work on learning a picking pattern, incorporating the melody into the picking pattern and adjusting the picking pattern to suit other songs. We will add a few extra pieces at the end so you have plenty of fingerstyle homework.

Opening for AJ Lee and Blue Summit at The Ruins
Our set runs from 6:00-6:45, but please stay for the rest of the show!
Doors open at 5:30.
Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. https://www.theruins.org/event-details/aj-lee-blue-summit
Check out AJ Lee & Blue Summit here: https://www.bluesummitmusic.com/

Strathmore Ukefest 2025 (Aaron Only)

UkeWest Online Class (Aaron)
Aaron teaches an ukulele class as part of the UkeWest Online Festival.
Time and topic to be announced…..

UkeWest Concert and Q&A
Aaron and Nicole perform an online concert and Q&A as a part of the UkeWest Online Festival.

Great Minnesota Uke Gathering (Aaron)
Friday and Saturday, November 8 and 9
Crowne Plaza West in Plymouth, Minnesota

UkeWest Festival (Online)
Aaron teaches a workshop on Zoom
Saturday, October 26, 2024 9:30-11:00am
Click here for more info: https://www.ukewest.com/

Zoom Clawhammer Class With Lil' Rev (Aaron)
Sunday, April 7th on Zoom!!
Join Aaron and Lil’ Rev for a day of Clawhammer Instruction. Two masters teaching, 3 1/2 hours of instruction including both beginner and intermediate techniques. $60
10:30-Noon (CST) Clawhammer 101
1:30-3:30pm (CST) Clawhammer 102

Uke West Online Workshop
In response to the COVID lockdowns back in 2020 my friends in Calgary created and are still running a wonderfully safe and welcoming online ukulele community called UkeWest. Check out their introduction webpage: https://www.ukewest.com/introduceukewest-2023
I'll be instructing at the May 13 workshop in their year-long online festival. The festival itself, featuring 8 international instructors, is the main benefit of membership in 2023, and is well worth the entire price of just $75 CAD.
Port Townsend Ukulele Festival (WA)
Aaron only
Port Townsend Uke Fest- ONLINE!
Cancelled- Worcester Ukulele Club- Worcester, UK
Re-scheduled The Strum Shop- Roseville, Ca- Aaron Solo
Workshop at 3:30- $25
Concert at 5:00- $10